GP1 2nd LeverAge Action Newsletter

GP1 2nd LeverAge Action Newsletter

Dear Action Participants,

As the summer holidays are approaching and we finish our academic year, we have many exciting developments to share with you:

The COST Action LeverAge website is up!

You may view here.

The website will be continuously updated as the Action progresses. There is a Members area for all Action participants – to obtain a login for this area, please click on “Lost your password? Reset your password”.

The section: has information on all Action participants. This can help increase your online presence. If you have not yet been included on the website, please fill in your details via the following link:  and we will include your information during the next update (in about a month or so).

COST Action LeverAge social media presence

We have launched new social media accounts to enhance our online presence and engage with our audience more effectively. I would like to thank Mariia Balytska for her hard work as the social media specialist of LeverAge.

 Please take a moment to follow, like, and share our pages among your networks:

COST Action LeverAge Science Communication & Action Inclusiveness Plans

We have now created and communicated clear and unified statements reiterating our commitments to effective science communication and diversity, equity and inclusion for all! These plans may be found via the following links:

COST Action LeverAge Grants Awarded

We have awarded 8 Short Term Scientific Missions and 6 Conference Grant awards for this GP. Recipients come from diverse countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. Most grant award recipients are young researchers and innovators under age 40 or early career researchers within 10 years of completing their PhDs. Congratulations to all recipients and we hope these grants help you achieve scientific excellence and societal impact in work and aging!

GP 1 Working Group Meetings

We have successfully organized 4 Working Group meetings thus far this GP:

Working Group 1: Organizer – Vebina Resuli from Mediterranean University of Albania. Co-organizers: Dorien Kooij from Tilburg University and Ilke Inceoglu from the University of Exeter.

Working Group 2: Organizer – Cleo Varianou-Mikellidou from European University Cyprus. Co-organizers: Donald Truxillo from the University of Limerick and Michela Vignoli from the University of Trento.

Working Group 3: Organizer – Yulia Stukalina from the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Latvia. Co-organizers: Raphael Eppler-Hattab from the University of Haifa, Israel. and Lisbeth (Libby) Drury from Birkbeck College, University of London.

Working Group 4: Organizers: Bernadeta Gostautaite and Dovile Petreikiene from ISM University of Management and Economics in Lithuania. Co-Organizer: Maurizio Caon from The University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Western Switzerland.

In total, 61 Action participants from all across Europe and beyond attended the Working Group 1-4 meetings for this GP. Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you to all our meeting organizers for all of their efforts and hard work in making these meetings a thorough success!

Additionally, Working Group 5 will hold their meeting in Bologna, Italy this September. Organizer: Sara Zaniboni from the University of Bologna. Co-organizer: Mo Wang from the University of Florida. We wish you well and here’s to a productive and fun WG 5 meeting!

New collaborations formed from WG meetings

  1. WG1 Meeting New Projects/Collaborations:
    • Case studies focusing on multi-generational workplaces in the manufacturing industry led by Jana Matošková (theme HR practices and work design)
    • Organizational factors and HRM practices influencing intergenerational learning, job satisfaction and knowledge sharing in work teams led by Slavka Silberg (theme HR practices and work design)
    • Age and neurodiversity/intersectionality led by Ilke Inceoglu (theme HR practices and work design)
    • Examine organizational practices that can support older worker transition to amended work arrangements led by Sanjeewa Perera (theme HR and retirement)
    • Individualized HRM for aging workers led by Dorien Kooij (theme HR differentiation).

  2. WG2 Meeting New Projects/Collaborations:

    On May 29 and 30, 2024, 17 participants of Working Group 2 (Successful Aging at Work) met at the European University of Cyprus. After sharing their background, expertise, and current research interests, participants worked together in small groups and plenary sessions.The meeting resulted in the development of three main projects, which will be conducted over the coming years:
    1. Measures of successful aging at work;
    2. Organizational interventions and projects related to successful aging; and
    3. A collection of organizational “success stories” relating to successful aging.

  3.  WG3 Meeting New Projects/Collaborations:

    The in-person meeting of WG3 on Integration of age-diverse workers and knowledge transfer was held at the Transport and Telecommunication Institute in Riga on May 9-10, 2024. 19 out of 44 WG3 members attended the meeting.

    The first day of the meeting included an introduction by the hosts and leaders, sharing the participants’ “passion research” and one-on-one scholarly speed dating sessions, followed by three themed sessions. The session themes were stereotypes and prejudice in age-diverse work environments including intersectionality in the context of work and aging, intergenerational knowledge sharing and transfer, and intergenerational (and friendly) relationships in the workplace. Brainstorming discussions held after each session of presentations inspired research and project development and forward looking.

    The second day included idea generation in themed groups based on sessions from day one, alongside discussions in small groups towards preparing research proposals.

    We would like to thank Prof. Yulia Stukalina and her staff for the wonderful hospitality.

    Collaborations that emerged from the meeting and its aftermath will be presented in an online follow up meeting to be held in September 2024.

    Collaborations initiated by WG3 participants:

    • Knowledge transfer and sharing – creating a model of knowledge sharing (donating and collecting) around cultural content while checking how age (actual and perceptual) influences the intergenerational knowledge sharing process (led by Jana Žnidaršič and Slavka Silberg).
    • Literature review on knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing in organizations with relation to age .
    • Age stereotypes and intergenerational relationships – review of the literature with a position paper orientation (led by Libby Drury).
    • Age-friendly workplace environments – writing a paper based on data from Austrian organizations within the framework of the workplace health promotion project in Austria, with comparison to secondary data from Israeli organizations (Raphael Eppler-Hattab and Gert Lang).
    • More collaborations will be informed in September, 2024 (after the online meeting).

  4.  Collaborations initiated by WG4 participants:

    Project Meeting: “Scoping Review” We had a very productive discussion led by Leonardo Angelini.

    Project Meeting: “Cross-Country Studies” The discussions led to many great ideas to be explored further. Maria has taken on the leadership of this project. Thank you, Maria! If you are interested in joining this project, please sign up by sending an email to:

New Action-supported Collaborative Publications

Marcus, J., Scheibe, S., Kooij, D., Truxillo, D., Zaniboni, S., Abuladze, L., Al Mursi, N., Bamberger, P., Balytska, M., Betanzos, N. D., Perek-Bialas, J., Boehm, S., Burmeister, A., Cabib, I., Caon, M., Deller, J., Derous, E., Drury, L., Eppler-Hattab, R., Fasbender, U., & …Znidarsic, J. (2024). LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce. Work, Aging and Retirement.

New Action-supported Grants Won

Congratulations to Dr. Slavka Silberg who just won 10,000 Euros from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for a 2-year research project entitled “Organisational factors and HRM practises influencing intergenerational learning, job satisfaction and knowledge sharing in work teams (LEarnToknOw)”!

Selected new scientific publications in work and aging by Action participants

Aksoy, E., & Marcus, J. (2024). Enabling older employees’ well-being through HR attributions: The moderating role of management context. Human Resource Management Journal, 1-19.

Blumenthal, M. Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Dautzenberg, R.L., & Boot, C.R.L. (2024). Transformational leadership and employability among support staff workers with long tenure. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.

Hallpike, H., Van der Heijden, B., & Vallée-Tourangeau, G. (online first). What Do You Do When your Career Script Runs Out? How Older Workers Decide Whether and How to Sustain their Careers. Work, Aging and Retirement.

Scheibe, S., Retzlaff, L., Hommelhoff, S., & Schmitt, A. (2024). Age-related differences in the use of boundary management tactics when teleworking: Implications for productivity and work-life balance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 0, 1-23. 

A new book, the first in Hebrew in the field of work and aging, that is scheduled to be published by the end of 2024 by JDC-Eshel publishing. The name of the book is: “Aging and work: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”, edited by Dr. Raphael Eppler-Hattab & Dr. Lior M. Schohat. The book will cover current and developing trends in the field of aging and work in key individual, organizational and social aspects. The chapters of the book cover a variety of disciplines, including demography, culture, law, organizational psychology, human resource management, economics, gerontology and intersectionality in aging and work.

Acknowledgement of Action support

If a research project you are working on is eventually published and was presented at an ITC or Dissemination conference that you attended with Action funding OR was worked on during the course of a Short Term Scientific Mission that the Action funded OR was workshopped at an Action-funded workshop or Training School OR was presented, worked on, or otherwise discussed at length at an Action-funded Working Group meeting, please insert the following:

“This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA22120, LeverAge, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).”

If you acknowledge Action funding, please do your best to make the publication (or a preprint of the publication) available via open access, and to the extent that your publishing contract allows.

Publicize your recent research

Do you have a newly accepted scientific publication related to work and aging?

Did you recently receive grant funding for a project related to work and aging?

Have you formed a new research collaboration with other COST Action LeverAge  participants?

Please do not hesitate to email us of your recently accepted scientific publications, research funding, or new research collaborations formed with fellow Action participants so that we may share your success stories and/or scholarly endeavors with the Action network in future editions of this Action newsletter. This will help stimulate interest in your research and raise the profile of our COST Action.

You may direct all information related to success stories and new collaborations to

Action participants needed

We are currently looking for qualified students/scientists/practitioners to join our Action network from the following 14 localities:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, the Faroe Islands, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, and Syria. Interested participants from any of these localities should have demonstrable pedagogical/scholarly/practical experience in one of the following fields: I/O psychology, HRM/OB, social psychology, cognitive/neuropsychology, developmental psychology, occupational health, human factors, sociology, or economics. If you know of any such person, please do not hesitate to email me.

We look forward to updating you on our continued developments toward the end of this year!

Warm Regards,
The COST Action LeverAge Leadership Team

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