Bio: Sabina Klimek, doctor of economics, currently consul at the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Istanbul in Turkey and assistant professor at the Institute of Markets and Competition at the College of Business Sciences of the Warsaw School of Economics, as well as vice-president of the Polish-American Chamber of Commerce North-East based in New York. Former consul, commercial counselor, head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Department of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in New York. Previously, she was a journalist at the foreign editorial office of the Polsat News news channel, a reporter for the Panorama daily on TVP2, as well as a negotiator of international trade agreements cooperating with companies from the Middle East, as well as a trainer and trainer - specializing in training in the field of negotiations, marketing, sales techniques and business communication.
A graduate of doctoral studies at the Social and Economic College at the Warsaw School of Economics, the University of Economics in Katowice, the Mikkeli University of Technology in Finland and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Member of the Business Forum and the Food Forum at the European Commission, expert in the NORMAPME standardization organization at the European Commission. Author of many scientific publications in the field of entrepreneurship, including the books: "Women's entrepreneurship in Poland and its impact on the country's economic development" and "Entrepreneurship without secrets".