Bio: Dr. Juergen Deller's professional affiliation is with Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany since January 2000. Dr. Deller is a tenured full university professor and member of the Institute of Management & Organization (IMO), also Research Director of the Silver Workers Research Institute in Berlin, Germany, and delegate of the DIN standards committee, Germany, to the ISO Technical Committee “Ageing Societies”.
Following his studies of economics and psychology at Judson University, Elgin, IL, U.S. and at Kiel University, Germany, he joined corporate headquarters of Daimler-Benz group, Stuttgart, Germany, worked with DaimlerChrysler Services (debis) AG, Berlin, Germany, and, as senior HR manager, supervised the HR board member‘s office and headed Corporate Leadership Development IT Services.
Dr. Deller's research focuses on Human Resources topics. It includes the management of the demographic change in organizations with an emphasis on work in retirement as well as international human resources management. Dr. Deller's group has developed the Later Life Workplace Index. He has published more than 120 articles and book chapters in both German and English and given more than 180 conference papers in his research areas.